Tuesday, September 30, 2008

my sights into the teenage mind through travel

I recently spent 3 weeks with my son travelling through Turkey. I think this is the first time we had spent so much time together since he was 2 weeks old - not that either of us have strong memories of that time. My mind (at that time only - ha!) obviously can only be described as mashed peas while his neurons were not joined. 4 weeks ago I would have questioned where the joining had actually ever happened. So... you can guess by that last remark I was mildly surprised with this young lad.

I found him compassionate, sensitive and to have a deeper understanding & tolerance of human folly (usually mine) than his usual monosyllabic responses suggested. He didn't easily make friend especially in my company or with older people but I witnessed him learn to speak up, ask questions, look people in the eye and initiate conversations!

He did display [other] male attributes because as a women I like to reflect and comment on people & situations (not necessarily in a mean or disparaging way) and as a guy he mistook this as whinging & complaining...

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